This image, belonging to the DSE, Victorian government comes courtesy of the Country Fire Authority (CFA) of Victoria website; there is a disclaimer on the site regarding to the accuracy of the information. It shows the location of fire closest to where I live and ride on Friday 13/2/09. Red dots are controlled fires, stars are contained fires, the solid red areas are hot spots. Click on the map to enlarge it.
This link is to a state wide overview map of the fire situation today 14/2/09
Lilydale used to be a country town but now is probably the extent of suburbia. Beyond that I guess you could call it semi rural /farmland/ bush. The rides I talk about in this blog are around Lilydale, Yarra Glen and the green bit south of Lilydale , the Dandenongs (the 1 in 20, Inverness road etc).
Today the smoke haze is still thick so I rode along Beach Road where at least the sea breezes stir things up. 35 degrees there today..and it was only a week ago we were marvelling at our 46 degree record, not realising the dramas that were being played out not very far away.
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