Liz Randall's Cycling Blog - a life behind bars

"With ordinary talents and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable"

Monday 12 October 2009

On NOT being house proud, training and proud mother boasting

Apart from 2 sessions of training on the ergo, this weekend has been one of doing the the house. One thing I'm not is "ars prard" (house proud said with an Aussie accent), but after our idiot painters had finished painting the inside of the house, I just had to get down and dirty. I kept finding dollops and specks of paint on the carpet, wooden floor, toilet, wooden wall, window panes and even on an antique light fitting and as a result I'm urging Phil to express our annoyance at their sloppy work by docking a part of the bill.

Anyhow after 2 full days of labour, the house was briefly, ever so briefly quite clean although the moment I turned my back more grub seemed to arrive from nowhere. I blame the cats, Pippi the long haired princess for the clumps of fur I find everywhere and Flea the hunter for his habit of bringing his kill and associated dirt indoors for me to admire. Whatever, I'm just grateful I'm not one of these people who obsessively need to have a clean house...its far too exhausting and time consuming.

My two training sessions this weekend could well have been done outdoors since the weather was perfect, but they were very directed sessions and so were best done indoors. As my coach noted they were "boring but necessary" a comment that no doubt is as a result of one of my reports that pointed out how "mind rotting" and "exquisitely boring" I found ergo sessions.

This week brings with it a couple more sessions at DISC, a couple of easy days and the beginnings of a long drive up to Sydney.

Finally proud mother time again..Ben and his mate Andy Bell won the pairs version of the Scott 24 hour up in Canberra. Riding as Mavic/Pedros, they were so far ahead (2 or 3 laps) that they were able to stop at the earlier of the 2 finish times. As I understand it, Ben was 1st rider of the 2 but the Le Mans start was a disadvantage for him since he's not a sprinter (none of my family are) so they just had to race hard until the first timings were broadcast at the 6 hour mark whereupon they found they were a couple of laps in front. Congrats guys..legendary! I'm looking forward to more pix.

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