Liz Randall's Cycling Blog - a life behind bars

"With ordinary talents and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable"

Tuesday 1 April 2008

The change

So what is it that changes you from an invalid being challenged by a virus that wont go away to yet again being an elite masters athlete?


Was it going to watch the State Masters Track champs?
Was it the PA man, Ian Maher, describing me as one of the all time great Elite masters athletes?
Was it talking with Shirley, my Hour record co-conspirator?..realising that I was not alone in feeling unmotivated after THE effort?
Was it the ride along the Boulie afterwards?
Was it the introductory session with a personal trainer the day after?
Was it today's ergo session..a moderate session when all said and done, but nevertheless done successfully.

Or was it just the passage of time?

Whatever..this time Sat and Sun I was tired, frustrated, bored, irritated, fed up of being sub par and now I'm not.

Yippee! Yee Ha! Yahoo!

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